Rain or Shine… Hmm…

A very interesting topic today on the WordPress Daily Post: “If you controlled the weather, what would it be like outside today?”

It has been a lazy contemplative Saturday. I went for a little walk outside some time back, with this topic running in my head. It’s a cloudy night right now… the air is heavy suggesting impending rains. I could hear the sound of crickets from the nearby foliage.

Given the mood and the momentum of the hour, I probably like the weather just fine. It’s a silent night, resonating with my thoughts, matching pace with my methods of passivity. I probably would want to change the setup a bit, if I may, would love to get transported to a dense jungle with an ever understanding, never questing book for company beside a balmy bonfire. A familiar melody playing in the background in just about perceptible volume would complete the scene as I picture it.

Solitude is not valued enough in our times today, reasons of privacy taken as a personal affront by self anointed benefactors that show themselves into our lives. So, given the times we live in, I would very much want to be on my own, if not forever, then at least tonight in this almost real surrealistic moment I am having in the heart of nature.

I gaze at the sky above, as it shows itself, hidden mostly behind the thick expanse of caressing tree branches. I am expanding with it, reaching out to it, rising above and beyond the entanglements that surround me.

A tiny drop finds its way and plop it lands on my forehead… followed by a few more. The thickness of the trees above me doesn’t let many pass through, but the few that do are enough to drench a good part of me within a few minutes. The lush flames of the bonfire have turned into a smoldering whisper. I take my book and reach for my tent, as the song ‘Rain drops keep falling on my head’ plays in the background.

For a quick retreat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4surj6apthc&feature=related

6 thoughts on “Rain or Shine… Hmm…

  1. Ohh!
    Glad to have you back! 🙂 🙂

    Had started to wonder if you gave up on blog surfing also after giving up on your eco-freaky blog(s)!
    So, it’s nice to hear from you again!

    And yes… lot of activity here… but not as much as I like.. I can only try to keep up with my thoughts..!

  2. Parul,

    Coming after a long pause to you blog. Seems that layout ha sbeen changed for good, and the postings are rather pleasing to read, pun intended! Probably written in a cheerful mood.

    Coming to the point, weather, if i can control then it would be raining outside. Sound of rain is very pleasant and most of the time refreshing, atleast to me. Rain, Window, Coffee, wooden armchair, classic and engrossing book, dim yellow light……


Would love to hear what you have to say about this! :)